Eileen Bates and Gail Vaughan |
Cousins Henry (945) and Katharine(1057) Pickering |
Tim Loring (885) and Tim Ingraham (872) |
Miriam Shreve(1073) ,Henry Pickering (945), Martha Shreve |
Ranny Barton(753) and Master Joanie Ingraham(897) |
Past Master Racket Shreve(806) and George Shwartz(1061) |
Captain and Mrs. Jeff Wadman, Maine Maritime Academy |
Barbara Shaughnessy(910), Judith Allen(931), Charlie Allen(809), and other Allens |
Brian Phipps (957) |
David(953) and William(955) Perreault |
John Wigglesworth(881),Horton Beebe-Center(10360, Ruth Beebe-Center (1030) |
Amy C. Trumbull and Philip W. Trumbull, Jr. (916) |
Past Master Racket Shreve(806),Roz Dennis(932), Jean Dennis(981), Susan((982) and Ethan (1068) Breshnahan |
Cathy and Scott Walker(1047) |
Catie and Christopher(1042) Wilcock , John Fiske (987) |
Fay Salt (Beverly Historical Society), Katharine Pickering(1057),Rebeccah Smith, ? |
Geoffrey Ward(874, Cadet Timothy Chambers, Maria Muller |
?, Miriam Shreve (1073) |
John Fiske((987), Richard P Watters,II(866) |
Nancy & Bruce Barker(814),Master Joanie Ingraham(897), Tim Ingraham(872), Libbie Payne(Quincy Historical Society), John Fiske(987) |
Cadet Thanh Nguyen,John Pattee,Capt. William Pattee(993), Lcdr Tom Pham, Cadet Amber Vernon, Cadet Daniel Colpitts, unk? |
Barbara Healey (978), Dan Ruggles |
USCG RA Steven Poulin, Capt. Stefan Palmer(863) |
William Tracy, RA Francis MacDonald (President, Massachusetts Maritime Academy) |
Captains Jeremy Bumagin(1034)and Michael Rutstein(994), and Annie Harris ( Historic Salem) |
Howard(914) and Barbara Remon |
PEM Maritime Visiting Committee members George Lewis and Gene Record |
Stephanie Rice,Martha Shreve, and Cecily Vaughan(912) |
Members of the Allen family |
Dave Edwards( Essex County Community Foundation, administrator of P.B. Seaman Fund) and members of the Allen Family |
George Shwartz(1061),Dr. Paul Johnston(879), and Cambell Seamans(909) |
From far and wide, the Allen family |
Covers |
Massachusetts Maritime Academy cadets Than Nguyen, Tom Than, Jonathan Baker, Daniel Colpitts, Timothy Chambers |
Officers of The Salem Marine Society, Clerk Allan P. Vaughan(820), Deputy Master Peter W. Rice(829),Master Joanie Ingraham(897),Treasurer Albert Goodhue,III(791), Quartermaster Jonathan A. Reardon(854) |
Brent Barker,Nancy and bruce Barker(814),Devereux Barker,III(803), Devereux Barker,IV(871) |
Master Joanie Ingraham(897) |
One of many Toasts with Peabody Punch |
Director and CEO of PEM Dan Munroe toasts The Salem Marine Society and The East India Marine Society |
PEM Curator of Maritime Art and History Dan Finamore(906) toasts "Toasts" |
Clerk Allan Vaughan(820) toasts "Absent friends" |
Smithsonian Institution Curator of Maritime History Dr. Paul Johnston(#879) speaks on archaeoloical discovery and excavation of "Cleopatra's Barge", first oceangoing yacht built in the United States, Salem, 1816 |
Dr Johnston describing picture of the wrecking of the Royal Hawaiian yacht "Ha'aheo o Hawaii" (ex Cleopatra's Barge) in Hanalei Bay, Kauai on April 5, 1824 |
Dr. Johnson displaying a picture of his office at The Smithsonian. Note his Salem Marine Society membership certificate proximately displayed |
Christopher(1042) and Catie Wilcock, Gary Morrisette, Ray(948) and Eileen Bates, Cynthia Morrisette(1032),Eliana Batista, Richard Wilcock(1050), |